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Tobacco Education

H.E.A.T. Observer Podcast 

H.E.A.T. Observer Podcast

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Episode 30

Nicotine Addiction Can Happen Faster Than You Think


Tobacco Ordinance Passes!!!

Flavor ban passed
In order to protect the citizens and guest from tobacco's impact, The City of Alturas voted 5-0 to adopt a comprehensive tobacco ordinance. This document highlights four significant changes that the revised ordinance includes:

  • Requires that all retailers that sell tobacco products must obtain a separate tobacco business license and renew it annually.
  • Declares that all businesses with outdoor dining are “smoke-free”.
  • Prohibits smoking within 20 feet of all operable doors, ventilation systems, and windows of all businesses with the city of Alturas. (Currently this law only applies to government agencies)
  • Revises the definition of “smoking” and “tobacco” to mirrors current State of California recognized language. (Last updated in June of 2016) This will use the word “marijuana” as well as the previously used “naturally occurring substance”, and strengthens the wording and definition of Electronic Smoking Devices.  Also introduces the word “Synthetic” into the definition.


All findings are in the separate document entitled Tobacco Findings in support of the City of Alturas Comprehensive Tobacco Ordinance.

The Official letter of support of the Comprehensive Tobacco Ordinance from the Modoc County Health Officer is also on file.

Other tobacco-related documents or fact sheets are available from the Modoc County Tobacco Policy and Education Program at 441 N. Main St. Alturas, CA 96101 or Call us at 233-6311

California Raises Smoking Age

In 2016, California achieved the tremendous accomplishment of strengthening its smoke-free air law by closing many workplace loopholes. The new law went into effect on June 9, and requires non-hospitality workplaces to be 100% smoke-free. Smoking will no longer be permitted in businesses with five or fewer employees, employee break rooms, warehouses, hotel lobbies, and owner-operated businesses.

County Adopts E-Cigarette Resolution

With a unanimous 5-0 vote, the Modoc County Board of Supervisors voted to adopt a binding resolution that moves e-cigarettes, e-hookah, vaporizers, and any other electronic delivery devices known as EDD’s into the same category as cigarettes, cigars and any other tobacco product that was listed in the city’s definition of cigarettes.

E-cigarettes have not been found to be a cessation aid regardless of big tobacco’s insistence as such. The secondary issue with e-cigarettes following the obvious addiction to nicotine is the use of the devices to vaporize other drugs such as the now trending “hash oil” or “honey oil”. This oil is made from the extraction of marijuana. Normal THC levels in marijuana are around 2% to 3%, vaporizing the oil can raise that THC level to upwards of 50%, and if whole buds are used for extraction it can go as high as 80%. The other risk is that butane is used in production. The undetectable smell of butane has caused a significant increase in house fires. 

The staff at Environmental Health has expressed its concern over this issue. The city council was supportive of this issue and will work with our office to help in any way when it comes to enforcement. 

A copy of the resolution will be available at the office of  Modoc County Health Services or contact Bill Hall, Modoc County Tobacco Policy and  Education’s Project Coordinator.


TEROC’s 2021–2022 Master Plan

The objectives of this Master Plan are to:

1. Reduce disparities related to commercial tobacco use

2. Strengthen capacity for tobacco control

3. Broaden the public health framework for tobacco to address the triangulum of tobacco, cannabis, and e-cigarettes

4. Prevent youth and young adults from initiating tobacco use and empower them as advocates for tobacco and cannabis control

5. Minimize the secondary effects of tobacco and cannabis on people and the environment

6. Motivate and help tobacco users to quit 

7. Counter industries engaged in the manufacture, marketing, sale, and distribution of tobacco and cannabis products

Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community

Click here to see the entire data collected from a July 2013 survey and how Modoc County compares to the state.

Recent Files:
  The mission of the Modoc County Tobacco Policy and Education Program is to provide guidance, and education in collaboration with all local Health Officials, Law Enforcement personal, representatives of all priority populations to provide a wide range of activities that helps educate all ages, regardless of gender, social standing, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation, about the dangers of tobacco and promote healthy lifestyles.

H.E.A.T. Coalition:

Health Education About Tobacco

The H.E.A.T. Coalition meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month.  Contact Bill Hall for more information.

Tobacco Laws Affecting California:

Smoke-Free Dining Guide

Smoking in Cars

Smoke-Free Ordinances

The impact of Tobacco Free California


To quit tobacco today, call
English- 1-800-300-8086
Espanol- 1-800-600-8191