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Healthy Aging

The majority of older adults report at least one chronic disease. Half of older adults report at least two chronic diseases. Chronic diseases negatively affect the quality of life, contribute to declines in functioning, and severely limit the ability of older adults to remain active members of their communities. There is evidence that one of the most beneficial treatments for chronic conditions is improving lifestyle choices.

The CASPHI program will focus on collaborative ways to help individuals gain the knowledge, tools, and confidence necessary for successful self-management of chronic diseases and other health conditions. We plan to utilize an evidence-based program called EnhanceWellness as our guide. It features one-on-one health coaching, but we will plan on group meetings to provide education and presentations as well as individual one-on-one meetings.

Our primary goal is to support participants through the process of behavior change and assist them in developing self-efficacy by providing education on these topics (examples below):

  • Injury Prevention
    • Falls – safety in the home – enhance fitness/balance
  • Education on Chronic Disease and Lifestyle Choices
    • Self-management of chronic illness/conditions
      • Stroke
      • Hypertension
      • Diabetes - nutrition
      • Medication education
  • Illness Prevention
    • Immunizations
    • Health screenings: BP, HbA1c, home safety assessment, fall risk assessment, mini-mental state exam
  • Resource Information

The program is generally completed within 6 months with the option to continue enrollment for another 6 months if needed. The one-on-one meetings will be centered around the participant’s goals and activities, and encouraging self-responsibility, self-efficacy, and self-management-focused strategies.

The program service process begins with a referral to the program through our staff, community partners that include health care providers, or a self-referral. Contact with participants occurs through individual appointments, phone and email follow-ups, or participants attending group meetings or classes led by program staff, with brief visits for monitoring progress.

The focus of this program is the process of behavior change, not diagnosing, prescribing, or giving medical advice. We are not a substitute for medical guidance or mental health services.

For referrals or more information, please contact:
Linda Hunt, PHN or Terri Sides, Health Specialist
Modoc County Health Services
441 N. Main Street, Alturas, CA
(530) 233-6311